Dr. N Jayaraman
Research Fellow
Laboratory Operations
Ph.D., M.E., and B.E., Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
B.S., Physics, University of Madras, Chennai, India
Dr. Jayaraman’s research and education interests are in the areas of mechanical behavior of materials, micro-mechanics, fatigue damage evolution and life prediction, residual stress effects, and finite element analysis. He joined Lambda Technologies as Director of Materials Research in 2002
After receiving his doctorate from the Indian Institute of Science, Dr. Jayaraman joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Cincinnati and rose to the rank of Professor of Metallurgical Engineering in 1990. He also served as the Head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering until summer of 2002. He has advised nearly 50 graduate students (MS and PhD) in their theses and dissertation research, and over 50 undergraduate students in their senior projects. He has taught several courses at all levels of undergraduate and graduate education, including Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Fracture Mechanics, Failure Analysis, Finite Element Modeling, Metal Forming Processes, Physical metallurgy, Dislocations, X-ray Diffraction, and Transmission Electron Microscopy. He has published and presented over 100 papers as a co-author with his students.
Dr. Jayaraman has received numerous awards for his professional contributions, including several teaching awards and NASA-Summer Faculty Fellow for two years. He also served as a Visiting Scientist with Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and as a Technical Consultant for AFRL and several companies in the private sector.

Dr. N. Jayaraman